Remote control case 2 buttons plip key case compatible DS3
Remote control box for Citroën C4 DS4 key shell
3 buttons
key blade PG22 - VA2
- 3 buttons: open/close/box
- Blank key blade supplied: PG22 - VA2
Vehicle assignment :
C4 phase 2 after 2010
Employment :
Simply remove the electronic circuit from your current remote control and place it in the new shell.
The key blank will need to be cut by a professional (cobbler, spanner cutter) or by our cutting service.
Sold without electronics.
Check that your remote control and the blade match the one in the photo.
Remote control case 2 buttons plip key case compatible DS3
Remote control box Citroën key shell
C1, C2, C3 blade VA2
Case remote control key shell 2 buttons Citroen
C2, C3, C3 Picasso
pG22 key blade
Ref : CE0523
Citroën Peugeot compatible key remote repair kit
C1, C2, C3, 107, 307, Aygo
Battery switch for PSA remote control :
Citroen : Xsara Picasso, Berlingo phase 1
Peugeot : Partner, 106
2-button silicone button for Citroen 2-button remote control
Evasion - Xsara - Xantia - Jumpy
Peugeot 806 - Expert
Please note that the key case is not supplied
Remote control key shell 2 buttons
Toyota Aygo Yaris
Citroen C1
Peugeot 108
Case remote control key case 3 buttons Citroen
C4 Picasso, C5
pG63 key blade
Ref : CE0523
Adaptable repair kit remote control key shell compatible with Citroën - Peugeot
Xsara Picasso, Saxophone, Berlingo, Partner, 406
Remote control box 3 button key shell compatible :
Citroen Berlingo B9 from 2008 to 2017
Peugeot Partner from 2008 to 2017
Key blade PG22
Ref : CE0536
Remote control case modified key shell 2 buttons adaptable compatible Citroen
C2, C3, C3 phase 1, C3 Picasso, Berlingo
pG22 key blade
Ref : CE0536
Citroën folding key conversion kit compatible with all models: Xsara, Xsara Picasso, Saxo, Berlingo and Peugeot Partner phase 1
Remote control box 2 button key shell
Citroen Berlingo
Peugeot Partner
Key blade PG22
Ref : CE0536
Case remote control key case 3 buttons Citroen
C4 Picasso, C5
pG63 key blade
Ref : CE0536
Remote control key case plip 4 buttons Citroen C8 key blade PG22
PSA retractable key conversion kit compatible with: Peugeot 107 Citroen: C1, C2, C3, [HDI/Essence] (case with PG22 7mm blade)
Hyundai 3-button key shell remote control compatible with models: I10,I20,IX20,I30,IX35
Key shell remote control Renault 3 buttons compatible with :
Kangoo, Trafic, Master
Hyundai 3-button key shell remote control
compatible with: I20, IX20, IX35, I40, Tucson
Remote control plip key Kia Picanto Hyundai Getz 1 button
fT12 spanner blade blank insert
Battery Maxell lithium CR2032 3V
Remote control key case Renault 2 buttons
Clio 3, Modus, Twingo 2, Kangoo 2, Trafic, Master 3
Remote control box Opel key shell 2 buttons
- Astra J 2009+
- Corsa D J from 2006 to 2014
- Insignia
- Meriva B from 2010 to 2014
- Mokka
- Zafira C 2012+
Un peu déçu
Commande livré très vite mais je mes deux étoile car la commande je penser que c'était la bonne là j'attends un retour pour avoir la bonne commande. Réponse ACS : Bonjour suite à votre email votre véhicule est une C4 phase 1 ce boitier est compatible C4 phase 2 Bien Cordialement.
coque boitier télécommande Citroën C4
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